Sunday, February 01, 2009

OMG I am sooooooooo tired!!!

I totally forgot how tireing a new puppy is.  You can't sleep in, can't sleep early, have to watch him ALLLLLLLL the time in case he widdles in the house (even after you have sat outside for 2 hours, and he did NOT widdle) :-)

He has a "tentative" name - Murphy.  It suits him, and until John says NO, that is his name.

Ruby decided she liked him yesterday afternoon - because he tried to play ball with her.  So, she liked him.  And this morning, she liked him too - once again, because of the ball.  Captain snapped at him early this afternoon, but I think that was because Murphy was trying to hang off his ear :-)

*sigh* - he is CUTE, but, please, LORD, let him sleep all night :-)

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