26 June 2010
Sorrento and Capri – Wow – Going back there no problem.
The Hotel Vesuviuo was the hotel we stayed in in Sorrento. I am travelling on my own as you know, so they gave me a SINGLE bed in my room – a SINGLE bed, hell, last time I slept in a single bed was when I was 15, so it was interesting ... However the bed was very comfortable.
Dinners have been the usual Italian fare – pasta to start, then meat or fish, then desert. I stop at pasta, or don’t have that and have the fish. My GOD, how they HELL am I supposed to eat all that food?
Woke up this morning after a sleep in – the first during my entire time here (7am!!!). Breakfast was cereal, salami, pastries .... and coffee. We headed out to Capri.
You get to Capri on a fast ferry, so got there around 10:30. Our guide told us to haul ass off the boat – said that we should get to the exit door as soon as we hear the engine slowing down. Capri has something called the Blue Grotto, and it is not always open or accessible. I did not understand why, as apparently even in sunny weather, it is closed. She had been told that it was open!!! We were the first group off the ferry and into ANOTHER boat heading off to the Blue Grotto. We waited for about 20 minutes once there as the only way in was on a row boat! Four of you then climb OUT of the one boat into the row boat, and you head into the Grotto. The height of the hole is about 1m, so you lie down in the boat as you go in. I have not enhanced this picture in any way, and did not use a flash!!!

Well worth it!!
After that we headed up in a little bus – up the road of DEATH – also called Mamma Mia road. One, because of the view, Two, because of the road! How two busses pass each other is truly scary.
Had lunch in Ana Capri – which is about 1000m above sea level. Sat with Stephanie and Greg from Massatchutts who had just got married. She ran off somewhere and when she came back mentioned you can have shoes MADE in 20 minutes!!! So, we had some free time up there and did abit of a walk around and I had a pair of shoes made in 15 minutes! Truly, really. Cost around $100 Aus Dollars. I could not have done that at home. Nothing spectacular, but what a thing to get done!
Stunning views from there as well. There was a shop I strolled into – OMG – Armani, Escada, etc all in this shop. I, of course, was not really paying attention and saw a stunning stunning dress – really beautiful – from Escada – should be beautiful as it had a price tag of 3500 EURO!! Quickly left that shop!
After lunch we went back down to Capri centre – Prada, Aramni, Sergio Ferragamo stores. You name an expensive store and it was here. Capri is THE place to go – rich and famous people come here all the time.
We walked past all the expensive sores to Augustus Gardens. Stunning views again, and the garden was lovely.
Garden I hear you say – Pfffffffffff – but check the view
Sorrento and Capri – Wow – Going back there no problem.
The Hotel Vesuviuo was the hotel we stayed in in Sorrento. I am travelling on my own as you know, so they gave me a SINGLE bed in my room – a SINGLE bed, hell, last time I slept in a single bed was when I was 15, so it was interesting ... However the bed was very comfortable.
Dinners have been the usual Italian fare – pasta to start, then meat or fish, then desert. I stop at pasta, or don’t have that and have the fish. My GOD, how they HELL am I supposed to eat all that food?
Woke up this morning after a sleep in – the first during my entire time here (7am!!!). Breakfast was cereal, salami, pastries .... and coffee. We headed out to Capri.
You get to Capri on a fast ferry, so got there around 10:30. Our guide told us to haul ass off the boat – said that we should get to the exit door as soon as we hear the engine slowing down. Capri has something called the Blue Grotto, and it is not always open or accessible. I did not understand why, as apparently even in sunny weather, it is closed. She had been told that it was open!!! We were the first group off the ferry and into ANOTHER boat heading off to the Blue Grotto. We waited for about 20 minutes once there as the only way in was on a row boat! Four of you then climb OUT of the one boat into the row boat, and you head into the Grotto. The height of the hole is about 1m, so you lie down in the boat as you go in. I have not enhanced this picture in any way, and did not use a flash!!!
Well worth it!!
After that we headed up in a little bus – up the road of DEATH – also called Mamma Mia road. One, because of the view, Two, because of the road! How two busses pass each other is truly scary.
Had lunch in Ana Capri – which is about 1000m above sea level. Sat with Stephanie and Greg from Massatchutts who had just got married. She ran off somewhere and when she came back mentioned you can have shoes MADE in 20 minutes!!! So, we had some free time up there and did abit of a walk around and I had a pair of shoes made in 15 minutes! Truly, really. Cost around $100 Aus Dollars. I could not have done that at home. Nothing spectacular, but what a thing to get done!
Stunning views from there as well. There was a shop I strolled into – OMG – Armani, Escada, etc all in this shop. I, of course, was not really paying attention and saw a stunning stunning dress – really beautiful – from Escada – should be beautiful as it had a price tag of 3500 EURO!! Quickly left that shop!
After lunch we went back down to Capri centre – Prada, Aramni, Sergio Ferragamo stores. You name an expensive store and it was here. Capri is THE place to go – rich and famous people come here all the time.
We walked past all the expensive sores to Augustus Gardens. Stunning views again, and the garden was lovely.
Garden I hear you say – Pfffffffffff – but check the view
At the end of the day the tour group split up. There were those of us going back to Rome via YUKKY Naples on the super fast ferry, and the rest of the group headed back to Sorrento for the rest of their tour. Had a lovely day in Capri.
Got back to Rome around 9:30, but then the bus had to drop each and everyone at their respective hotels – so only got in at 11pm!! YAWN. Off to Conference Hotel this afternoon. Chat then.