FYI - I am blogging in the past - as could only get some free time TODAY!!!
23/06/2010 10:14:26 AM (This is MELBOURNE time – not Plane time)
Plane time is 4 hours away from Italy!
Who the HELL made Bangkok airport so huge. My goodness gracious. Karl, I got some exercise!!!
When I went into the lounge the lady at the counter said rather sternly “You at gate C6. You leave early. Very far”. Yeah whatever, thinks Michelle. Of course, then it sat in my brain for the next hour, and I decided to head on out to the Gate. I felt like I was walking back to Melbourne! Luckily I had my walking shoes on!
Finally got to the gate, and onto the plane. This time I was UPSTAIRS in Business Class – woooo Swish!! I got myself all comfy only to be told I had to leave my tiny bag downstairs as there is limited space up here for bags. No problem, got some shite out, and sent it downstairs.
THEN, of course, no trip is complete without someone being a tosser. Gypsies!!! Yes, you heard me, Gypsies. Well, they LOOK like Gypsies (he does anyway). The tromp up the stairs, get to my seat, and in Italian start talking to me. I go, WTF?, (but said Pardon?) The guy was trying to ask me if I would swop seats, but the woman was pointing at another seat, and saying YOU MOVE. I said, NO (but thought, get stuffed B1tc4). I eventually got it out of them they were travelling together but had been seated separately and wanted to sit together. Kind hearted soul that I am, I moved – no biggie.
BUT, she had the largest bag in the universe, plus about three other bags. The air hostess advised her, like she did me, that her big ass bag had to go downstairs. Well, she carried on like a pork chop – saying she is paying business class fare, and blah blah, special, blah blah ....... she went on like this for about 10 minutes before Gypsie boyfriend just said, “take the shite you need out of the bag and put it in a plastic bag, I’m taking the case downstairs.” Needless to say, she huffed and puffed for about an hour.
Then I took a sleeping pill and went to sleep – BUT, the Dr said should get a good 7 hours sleep – LIES LIES – I only got 5. Better than NONE tho. Now got the iPoddy on, with the noise cancelling headphones over them, listening to Erasure – I downloaded all sorts of OLD stuff before I left. So boogie woogie in my chair again.
Hopefully the next bloggy I put up after this will have pictures of Rome.
SIDE NOTE : watched Avatar, and must admit I expected more. Probably because everyone said it was awesome. It was good, but I watched the beginning and almost turned it off. Just putting it out there ....

23/06/2010 10:14:26 AM (This is MELBOURNE time – not Plane time)
Plane time is 4 hours away from Italy!
Who the HELL made Bangkok airport so huge. My goodness gracious. Karl, I got some exercise!!!
When I went into the lounge the lady at the counter said rather sternly “You at gate C6. You leave early. Very far”. Yeah whatever, thinks Michelle. Of course, then it sat in my brain for the next hour, and I decided to head on out to the Gate. I felt like I was walking back to Melbourne! Luckily I had my walking shoes on!
Finally got to the gate, and onto the plane. This time I was UPSTAIRS in Business Class – woooo Swish!! I got myself all comfy only to be told I had to leave my tiny bag downstairs as there is limited space up here for bags. No problem, got some shite out, and sent it downstairs.
THEN, of course, no trip is complete without someone being a tosser. Gypsies!!! Yes, you heard me, Gypsies. Well, they LOOK like Gypsies (he does anyway). The tromp up the stairs, get to my seat, and in Italian start talking to me. I go, WTF?, (but said Pardon?) The guy was trying to ask me if I would swop seats, but the woman was pointing at another seat, and saying YOU MOVE. I said, NO (but thought, get stuffed B1tc4). I eventually got it out of them they were travelling together but had been seated separately and wanted to sit together. Kind hearted soul that I am, I moved – no biggie.
BUT, she had the largest bag in the universe, plus about three other bags. The air hostess advised her, like she did me, that her big ass bag had to go downstairs. Well, she carried on like a pork chop – saying she is paying business class fare, and blah blah, special, blah blah ....... she went on like this for about 10 minutes before Gypsie boyfriend just said, “take the shite you need out of the bag and put it in a plastic bag, I’m taking the case downstairs.” Needless to say, she huffed and puffed for about an hour.
Then I took a sleeping pill and went to sleep – BUT, the Dr said should get a good 7 hours sleep – LIES LIES – I only got 5. Better than NONE tho. Now got the iPoddy on, with the noise cancelling headphones over them, listening to Erasure – I downloaded all sorts of OLD stuff before I left. So boogie woogie in my chair again.
Hopefully the next bloggy I put up after this will have pictures of Rome.
SIDE NOTE : watched Avatar, and must admit I expected more. Probably because everyone said it was awesome. It was good, but I watched the beginning and almost turned it off. Just putting it out there ....
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