The Spotted Wonder dogs were asked to take part in a fashion shoot. Now, I don't have pictures yet, but when I do I will get them up here for you to take a gander at.
The photographer was Chris Garbacz - What a character!! Full of life, fun and so easy going.
That really is all the dogs needed, they didn't need stylin or make-up as they are uber stylish anyway, and had enough "spots", BUT ...
The make-up was done by Tanya Guiccione - www.tanyaguiccione. WOW! Wish I was a model ... the make-up was stunning. All I am going to say is "KY Jelly" ......... :-). Who knew it had so many OTHER uses.
The Stylin was done by Trish Gaggliardi - uber cool, OF COURSE being a stylist. I need a stylist ... hell, don't we all? (OK, maybe not Pam ........ or Cindy ......... 'cos they are Stylish anyway!)
HOW did we get this gig?
Well, Andrew and Viv gave us a voucher for for our Christmas/Birthday - and we had doggie photos taken. I have the collage sample :

The photographer apparently saw a flyer that Tanya had put up in various doggie food stores asking for 3 Dalmatians for a photo-shoot. She contacted me, I contacted Tanya ...... and ta da .... we wait for the shots to appear in glamour magazines everywhere.
YES, GLAMOUR fashion shoot - was not all about the dogs, but about the MODELS!!!!
Can' wait to see .......
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