Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First night pain free!!!

Night One:
The good dog (that is Murphy) stayed in his crate with no complaints!! However the medicine he is on makes him need to wee more. Now when I say wee more, I mean he wees for about 2 minutes!!! I kid you not!!! I looked online and that is a side effect of the drug, so when he needs to go you are outside awhile!!

He seems to cope well with being in the crate, whinges abit but so far not as bad as I thought. Of course, now I have said that he will probably whinge all night!

I got up once in the night to let him out and he went back into his crate no problem when we came back in. The only difference is that he sleeps differently in the crate. He does not curl up in a ball like normal (which was when he woke in pain)..

Fingers crossed that this rest is all he needs

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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