Wednesday, July 06, 2011

No job, Gotta Blog!

After 8 long years at AGL (4 as an employee, and 4 as a Contractor), my contract finally ended on 30th June!  Out the door I went, and into the Home Office :-)
Here is a list of all the cool things I was planning on doing :
  • Gym, Gym, Gym
  • Walking the Dogs
  • Sleeping in
What have I done off this list? NOTHING ....... No Gym, No Doggie walking, No Sleeping in - and all tied into the Doggies.

Captain is an old boy, and grumpy bum who wakes us up about twice a night woofing, or sniffing, or something.  So, abit tired from that.
Now the little MurphMan has got something wrong with him - not sure WHAT, but it seems like the nerves in his neck/spine are pinching (or something).  This started on the Thursday, at night only, when he would YELP in pain, and run into the bedroom and sit on the bed shaking.  It gradually got worse (and I took him to the Emergency Vet on Saturday to have him checked out).  During the DAY, no symptoms ...... but at night, because he relaxes, it seems to aggravate whatever the HELL it is.  My own vet gave me some anti-inflammatory stuff and some pain pills - did NOTHING, because last night, he YELPED in so much pain, and nothing I did would make him stop.  No amount of patting, hugging, loving ...... yelping the whole time.

Off to the Emergency vet again - $150.00 a time, and he shook all the way there, and whilst we waited for the really nice Vet.  Murphy stayed in overnight, and this morning the NeuroSpecialist called.  We have "kind of" established (due to his reaction to the pain - which is to raise one paw in the air) that it is in his neck/spine region, but only an MRI will establish WHAT it is exactly - and that is TOMORROW.  So another day in the ICU Ward for him, with some nice pain relief tonight.  I think he will be happy to be there, as he has had no sleep since Thursday (which means neither have I)

.......... which goes back to the fact that I have done nothing off my list as I am so bloody tired!

Will keep you posted on the MurphMan.

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